4 Peanut Myths You Must Stop Believe

Peanuts are a superfood, rich in fat, protein, and other healthy nutrients. Americans consume more than six pounds of peanuts every year on average, and no wonder why the demand for infused peanuts is so high among consumers! But despite being nutritious and rich in taste, many people avoid looking for large peanuts for sale and introducing them into their diets because of common myths that surround these high protein snacks that we have mentioned below:

Peanuts are high in sodium

Before picking any food item from a supermarket’s shelf, you read its label thoroughly to ensure you are buying the best for you and your family. But when you come across packets of peanuts, you avoid adding them to the basket, assuming they are high in sodium and, therefore, not suitable for everyday consumption. But that’s a mistake you make. Instead of salted peanuts, look for infused peanuts that don’t contain sodium in high amounts and are rich in taste.

Peanuts are high in calories

While it’s believed that peanuts can increase the risk of developing cholesterol and heart conditions, it’s only a myth. Peanuts indeed contain fat in high amounts, but 80% of them are made of healthier unsaturated fats. In fact, peanuts contain only 14 grams of fat per ounce, making less than 25% of recommended daily intake. In other words, you can consume peanuts every day without counting calories or worrying about eating unhealthy snacks.

Peanuts are not nutritious compared to other nuts

Although peanuts are classified as legumes related to soy, beans, and lentils than tree nuts, they are as healthy and nutritious as other nuts. You would be surprised to know that peanuts have a high protein content and are a rich source of iron, zinc, magnesium, folate, vitamin A, vitamin E, and dietary fiber.

Peanuts are unhealthy for children

Many parents refrain from adding peanuts to their children’s diet, assuming they are unhealthy and may trigger allergic reactions. But that’s only a misconception; studies show that exposing peanuts to children between the ages of four to twelve months reduces the risk of developing peanut allergy.

Don't believe in myths surrounding peanuts and consider looking for large peanuts for sale to add this superfood to your diet!


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